The only good thing to emerge from the events of the past few weeks is that the moral bankruptcy of leftist progressives has been highlighted. Mobs of well-meaning ‘liberals’ have gathered to justify the carnage of Hamas, as though beheading babies ripped from the womb is understandable if done in the sacred name of a ‘rebellion’ to bring down the oppressor.

This is more than a natural support for the underdog, a David vs Goliath re-enactment. We are witnessing the ultimate outworking of the morally idiotic pursuit of ‘social justice’, the simplistic offspring of identity politics, in which the Bad People are those with power, and the Good People are those without it. In this scheme, the line between good and evil passes not through each human heart, but between identity groups, and it has infected every sector of our culture.

Woke Capitalism From Nike’s support for Colin Kaepernick, Gillette’s rejection of ‘toxic masculinity’, and Starbucks’ and Ben & Jerry’s automatic support for every woke campaign, there has been a sharp increase in corporations taking over public morality and attempt to remake society.

Universities Tens of thousands of mostly young people marched through the West’s capitals waving flags and calling for the destruction of Israel and its Jews. They had been radicalised by lecturers who express support for the death cult, teach it to their students and spread it through the media.

The Hamas backers were simply applying the logic of identity politics to the events in Israel. Because they see the Israelis as the oppressors and the Palestinians as the oppressed, anything the Palestinians choose to do to the Israelis in the name of freedom from oppression is justified.

Police Britain’s police are shot through with identity politics. Different approaches are taken to different identity groups, in effect selective policing. Even when rebuffed by the courts the police insist on pursuing Christians, such as various street preachers quoting the Bible. Christian Pro-life campaigner Isabel Vaughan-Spruce has been arrested three times for the thought crime of praying silently outside an abortion clinic (and cleared by magistrates).

Yet when deep-rooted hatred is expressed at demonstrations calling for jihad and Muslim armies to ‘deal with’ Jews, the police resort to mealy-mouthed prevarications about the precise meaning of jihad, as though the context did not tell us everything. This emerges from the identity politics playbook where Christians are supposedly powerful whilst Muslims are oppressed.

Broadcasting The BBC have proved themselves wretchedly biased at best in their reporting of the Hamas conflict. They were even forced to apologise under government pressure for echoing the Hamas line on the Gaza hospital blast. Their reporting has demonstrated just how deeply the BBC are invested into social justice and how far they have fallen from the organisation which once was trusted and respected throughout the world.

Why? The question is not ‘Have these and other institutions such as the armed forces, sporting bodies and film industry lost their way?’ Rather it is ‘Why have they lost their way?’ Although splitting society into identifiable groups to determine moral superiority is the dominant ideology of today’s society, replacing biblically founded justice with social justice is nothing new. This was seen in the anti-Christian Terror of the French Revolution and the Red Terror of the Bolshevik Revolution. In these revolutions, and the others which followed their pattern, justice was meted out on the basis of class origins, not on the basis of objective facts.

Jordan Peterson writes: ‘When the Soviets collectivized the farms, they pretty much wiped out or raped and froze to death all of their competent farmers. They called them “kulaks,” and they attributed class guilt to them because they were successful peasants, and they defined their success as oppression and theft. . . And all of these things you hear about now, like “white privilege” for example, are variants of collective guilt. I pick your bloody identity, whatever it happens to be, and then I make you a guilty member of that category, and then you and the rest of the guilty members of that category are judged as a unit.’ 

In both pre-revolutionary France and Russia, the middle-class intelligentsia supported the revolution. Putting one’s thumb on the scales of justice to readjust for the inequities of life sounded good to well-meaning liberals. But as F. A. Hayek wrote in Law, Legislation and Liberty, ‘It is indeed the concept of “social justice” which has been the Trojan Horse through which totalitarianism has entered.’

French and Russian liberals in their calm superiority imagined they could support the justified complaints of the revolutionaries, there would be a gradual improvement of social conditions and all would be well. This proved yet another liberal fantasy. Without Christian restraint, the guillotine and gulag worked overtime; the well-meaning liberals were swept away and all suffered, including the creators of the revolutions.

Today we find echoes of the same scenario being played out. Intellectuals are preaching ‘deconstruction’ and their footsoldiers are marching in the streets lauding bloody massacre. The establishment are embracing those like BLM who would destroy our social structures. We find our national monuments like the Cenotaph bedecked with the flags of foreign terror groups and minorities calling for holy war.

John Gray, Britain’s most prominent public intellectual, told us, ‘The core purpose of modern social justice is the radical deconstruction or reordering of society and its systems, and this ideology has spread throughout Western institutions. Woke revolutionaries don’t want to repair society. They just want to overthrow the existing social order.’

It may not happen today, it may not happen tomorrow, but the West is crumbling and the barbarians are approaching the gates. Try to ignore Christianity and we enter a world without restraint where all that counts is power.


  1. This is very good analysis but I do take issue with one statement – “the barbarians are approaching the gates”. The barbarians are already inside, having entered over many years inside a number of Trojan Horses which, I am afraid, far too many gullible Christians are still welcoming inside the walls.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Unfortunately, the barbarians are no longer at the gates – they are within the gates. The trojan horse of mass migration, both economic migration and asylum seeking, has let them in.


    1. See unholyjoe’s comment. There is certainly a strong Fifth Column inside the citadel and the important question is whether it is too late or not, and if not how to resist and fight back.


      1. The one and only chance is if Britain repents big time! And when I say Britain, it must begin at the House of God, as the bible says, and it must begin with genuine believers, for we have each one fallen SO FAR!


      2. Campbell, I have enjoyed reading your essays over the past few years and I have agreed with you on most things. However, I feel your recent essays have been biased. Surely God loves everyone and is saddened by the deaths of all innocent people. I suggest you read some of Edward Curtin’s essays for a more balanced viewpoint. Best wishes.


      3. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate your thoughtful criticism.

        You are of course correct, God does love all his creatures, although he doesn’t approve of all they do. The deaths of the many thousands of innocents, whether they be Palestinian or Israeli, is gut-wrenchingly horrific and no doubt saddens God. We should all be praying earnestly for a resolution of this conflict which will bring about a lasting peace.

        Israel is accused of lack of proportionality in their response to the massacre of 7th Oct. Proportionality is not a matter of some arithmetic of blood, you kill 1400 of mine and I’ll kill 1400 of yours. A response has to be proportional to the threat, and from Hamas’ own mouth they have threatened to exterminate Israel. Israel is fighting a battle for survival, they know if they don’t wipe out the Hamas threat it will continually recur.

        Hamas must have known what the Israeli response would be, and still they used money given for water desalination to buy weapons and build tunnels under hospitals ensuring massive civilian casualties. I believe they welcomed Israel’s inevitable response as a way of garnering support and engendering hostility to Israel, and they have succeeded.

        A cease fire will not bring about peace, merely give Hamas time and no doubt money to rearm. I would agree with Kier Starmer that what is needed is a humanitarian pause which would give relief to those suffering in Gaza and allow the possibility of a diplomatic solution. I have to admit that the odds are massively against a solution.

        My apologies for such a lengthy response to to your comment but I thought it deserved more than an acknowledgement.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Campbell thank you for your reply. The killing of innocent Israelis on 7th October was an evil act, but the killing of innocent Palestinians is also evil. Edward Curtin in his recent essay (worth reading) said “Every child is holy and innocent and to massacre the is evil.”
        I don’t know if you realise that the Israeli government gives funding to Hamas. The situation is more complex than some people realise. On the day of the heinous attack on 7th October the Israeli wall was breached in at least 15 places. This has never happened before, if a cat or dog goes near the wall the security forces would be alerted immediately. Also no help came for the Israelis for several hours. Many people suggest that the Israeli deep state have at least some involvement in this.
        I would disagree with you that a cease fire would not help. I am sure that God in Heaven is crying out for one. Best wishes.


  3. Bonnieweechookie, there are no words to describe what Hamas did to the Jews on Oct 7. It was deliberate torture intended to cause maximum pain on civilians.
    It is true that every death is a tragedy, but no Israeli soldier would, for example, take a one year old child and put him alive into a kitchen oven and bake him. Or cut open the tummy of a pregnant woman and slice up the foetus. Or gouge out a man’s eyes, or tie up a child and throw him onto a bonfire alive.
    War always has tragic consequences for all concerned but there is a difference between deliberate unspeakable torture and unwillingly causing death of others when you aim to destroy an enemy for the protection of your people.
    And trying to blame those who have suffered so terribly for the wrongs done is the usual ploy of Satan. As is lying about Israel.


  4. Vivian Chapman, these detailed claims you make about the torture of Israeli civilians requires an extremely high degree of proof and evidence.
    Without that we are dealing with a propoganda campaign similar to the Germans baynotting babies in World War 1 and the Iraqis switching off the babies incubators in Kuwait during the invasion.
    Forgive me if I do not take seriously your claim that Israeli soldier are paragons of proprietary. Anyone acquainted with the Israelis armys treatment of the Palestinian people over the years would find your faith in the Israeli army laughable.
    The deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza is a form of collective punishment and as such is a war crime and should be condemned by all right thinking people, in the same way that they should also condemn the killing of Israelis by Hamas. Innocent civilians being killed should break every Christians heart. Believing this does not make you a pawn of Satan.
    As to lying about Israel, go and find the statistics on Israeli deaths v Palestinian deaths since 1948, look at the maps showing the expansion of Israel in Palestine from 1948 to the present day, look at the apartheid laws that treat non Jews as second class citizens and finally read some of the statements by leading Israeli politicians about their desire to eliminate the Palastinians from their existing homelands to make way for even further Israeli expansion in the region.
    But I suppose I am forgetting that they are the chosen people and as such all their actions must be treated as virtuous and beyond criticism.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kurt, there could not be a higher degree of proof and evidence for the atrocities. There is the first hand eye witness accounts of the first responders. There is the physical evidence of the remains, and one can be almost thankful that Israel is so particular about gathering up every tiny piece of the remains of anyone who has met with a violent death. Those remains, which are so horrific and must traumatise those working with such things, are being subjected to detailed scientific analysis right now. And then there is the photographic evidence. The bible says: “In the mouth of two or three witnesses (or pieces of evidence) the matter shall be established.

      I am not claiming that the IDF are “paragons of virtue” just that they are better than any other army in the world. Why should they be “paragons of virtue” when nobody else is? Jesus alone is The Paragon of Virtue; the One Righteous Man.

      You say: “The deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza is a form of collective punishment” This is a lie. Bibi Netanyahu has made it absolutely clear that they have two objectives: 1) to destroy Hamas and 2) to bring out the hostages. Hamas are not civilians. Hamas does not equal Palestinians. I would add that it is incredibly ironic that Hamas commented after the atrocity that they were not targeting civilians, but then made it clear that they do not regard any Israeli citizen as a “civilian”!!

      The Jews are The Chosen People, but not for their virtues! They are chosen because God loves them and has made promises to them which He will never break.

      There is a huge problem with Truth now. People no longer look at the evidence then decide. They decide then look for evidence to back up their view.

      I don’t know if you are a Christian. If you are, then I would advise you to take the matter to the LORD, and start praying with an open heart, that He personally speak to you and teach you about Israel and the Jews. If you have a good and an honest heart He will answer you.


      1. Vivian, we do have to be careful about the “promises”.

        I have been a converted Christian since just before Easter 1958 in my first year at Cambridge. I am Jewish in the maternal line. I am an Old Testament specialist; I’ve been reading classical Hebrew since 1960. The only promised Return to the land happened under Cyrus: no such physical Return is promised in the New Testament, whose interpretation of the Old must govern Christian thinking in all matters.

        One does not need biblical languages to use a simple English-language biblical concordance, even good old Cruden’s to the KJV will serve. What do the New Testament Israel entries say?


  5. We must salute Israeli exceptionalism in its gathering of evidence of atrocities. Only their first responders can be trusted to tell the truth, only their state officials apply the principles of science in a non partizan way to arrive at the truth of the matter, indeed they are the only state that would not invoke claims of atrocities to demonise the enemy, for them truth is not the first casualty of war but they will go where the science takes them, whatever the results, whatever light it sheds on their states claims. Indeed you say

    “Israel is so particular about gathering up every tiny piece of the remains of anyone who has met with a violent death.”

    If only that were true and they applied that to the Palestinian people who have been killed by the Israelis over many years.

    We must salute the exceptionalism of the IDF,

    “they are better than any other army in the world.”

    A claim that might be contested by the Palestinians who have watched this occupying force kill and maim it’s people with impunity.

    You accuse me of lying when stating the obvious fact that Israel are targeting civilians. I will leave it to others to decide whether the destruction of Gaza by Israel and the indiscriminate killing of thousands of Palestinians is proportionate and constitutes a form of collective punishment. Just out of interest, how many of the thousands of children killed over the last few weeks were members of Hamas or do we understand your position to be everyone in Gaza is Hamas?

    You say,

    “There is a huge problem with Truth now. People no longer look at the evidence then decide. They decide then look for evidence to back up their view.”

    You accused a previous commenter of lying about Israel but I notice at no point did you address my claims to

    “go and find the statistics on Israeli deaths v Palestinian deaths since 1948, look at the maps showing the expansion of Israel in Palestine from 1948 to the present day, look at the apartheid laws that treat non Jews as second class citizens and finally read some of the statements by leading Israeli politicians about their desire to eliminate the Palestinians from their existing homelands to make way for even further Israeli expansion in the region.”

    I will assume that this evidence is inconvenient for you hence the reason it was ignored or maybe evidence is irrelevant when all you need is belief in your version of the LORD.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dr. Priscilla Turner, learning is only good if it is presented as a sacrifice to God and He sends His Holy Spirit to set it on fire. Then it becomes acceptable. And Jesus did say: Call no man teacher for One is your Teacher and you are all brothers”

    I see no reason whatever to “be careful about the promises” when they are made by the One who is faithful, and whose Word remains the same from the beginning.

    You say “The only promised Return to the land happened under Cyrus” but that is not true. For example in Amos 9, a promise which obviously does not refer to the return under Cyrus:

    “For surely I will give the command, and I will shake the house of Israel among all the nations as grain is sifted in a sieve; but not a pebble will reach the ground. the sinners among My people will die by the sword— all those who say, Disaster will never draw near or confront us. In that day I will restore the fallen tent of David. I will repair its gaps, restore its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old, that they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations that bear My name, declares the LORD, who will do this. Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when the plowman will overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes, the sower of seed. The mountains will drip with sweet wine, with which all the hills will flow. I will restore My people Israel from captivity; they will rebuild and inhabit the ruined cities. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit. I will firmly plant them in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land that I have given them, says the LORD your God.”

    Or Psalm 105:

    “He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations,
    the covenant he made with Abraham, the oath he swore to Isaac. He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant: “To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion you will inherit.”
    As far as the NT is concerned, none of the prophesies concerning the Close of the Age in that part of the bible (for I don’t see the old and new testaments as somehow separate) can come about unless the Jews have been brought back to the Land by God. And what is more, the Temple in Jerusalem must be built too. By way of example, Jesus must return to Jerusalem, and His feet will physically stand on the Mount of Olives. The antichrist must enter the Temple of God in Jerusalem. Jesus addresses Jerusalem specifically when He says: Look, your house is left to you desolate. For I tell you that you will not see Me again until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.’  The Two Witnesses must die in Jerusalem etc etc


    1. Vivian, your God seems to be a god of vengeance. My God is a god of love and I pray that he brings more love to you.


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