On Monday Bisnow led with the headline ‘Chick-fil-A To Stop Donations To Charities With Anti-LGBT Views.’

Chick-fil-A is one of the success stories of free enterprise. It has grown to become the third largest fast food outlet in the USA, all the while maintaining its Christian principles. Christians throughout the world have been cheered by the clear evidence that Christian principles work, even in the cut-throat fast-food sector.See the source imageChristians have been especially cheered by the example of Chick-fil-A in standing up to the progressive bullies who insist that everyone bow the knee to them. Chick-fil-A has been subject to continuing harassment and boycotts because of its donations to organisations which hold to biblical standards of sexual morality.

No longer. Chick-fil-A has announced that after donating to more than 300 charitable organisations this year, it will instead focus on three initiatives with one accompanying charity each: education, homelessness and hunger.

Chick-fil-A president and chief operating officer Tim Tassopoulos told Bisnow: ‘There’s no question we know that, as we go into new markets, we need to be clear about who we are. There are lots of articles and newscasts about Chick-fil-A, and we thought we needed to be clear about our message.’

That kind of clarity appears to be putting as much clear distance as possible between Chick-fil-A and its past support for Christian organisations who continue to hold to biblical principles.

Drawing a clear line between who the organisation is today and who it was in the past means Chick-fil-A has cut ties to respected Christian ministries. In 2018, the Chick-fil-A foundation donated $1.65million to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and $115,000 to the Salvation Army. Make no mistake, Chick-fil-A has been forced to deny who it is.

Starting next year, the Chick-fil-A Foundation plans to give $9million to organisations such as Junior Achievement USA to support education and Covenant House International to fight homelessness.  The company intends to dedicate $25,000 to a local food bank each time it opens in a new location.

These are no doubt worthy organisations and Chick-fil-A has every right to make donations as it wishes. The importance of this change is that it indicates the direction in which the culture of the West is moving.

Consider the organisations involved, groups such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Salvation Army. These organisations were not established to pursue LGBTQ issues. They have particular Christian aims and functions upon which they concentrate their activities.

See the source image
It Takes A Special Kind of Derangement to Oppose The Salvation Army

However, because they have identified themselves with historic Christianity, today’s climate of aggressive progressivism has forced them to define their position on LGBTQ issues. This is not the choice of either organisation; these issues are not of central importance to either of them. They are, however, of central importance to the sexual revolutionaries who are determined to crush historic Christianity.

It is the LGBTQ activist community and others who are driving the moral direction of the culture. Relentless pressure is put on individuals and organisations to accede to the intransigent demands of the activist lobby.

As a result, an organisation as large and powerful as Chick-fil-A no longer feels safe making contributions to historic Christian ministries because to do so runs foul of the absolutism of the cultural Left and in particular of the LGBTQ movement.

It can be argued that in corporate terms, Chick-fil-A had no choice: it was either back off or eventually be forced out of business. Before criticising Chick-fil-A we should consider the intense pressure the company has come under and take into account that it is still donating to good causes which Christians can support.

The moral revolution does not take prisoners. It relentlessly steamrollers its targets. If it doesn’t get its way the first time round it will just keep on pressing until it succeeds in imposing its will.

See the source image
Tim Tassopoulos

Chick-fil-A chief Tim Tassopoulos said: ‘We think this is going to be helpful. It’s just the right thing to do: to be clear, caring and supportive, and do it in the community.’ If he thinks this has drawn a line under the past he should think again. Enough is never enough for our progressive revolutionaries. Chick-fil-A will come under continuing pressure.

GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) immediately responded to the news by tweeting: ‘If Chick-Fil-A is serious about their pledge to stop holding hands with divisive anti-LGBTQ activists, then further transparency is needed regarding their deep ties to organizations like Focus on the Family, which exist purely to harm LGBTQ people and families.’

The importance of this incident goes beyond the fortunes of Chick-fil-A. It clarifies the cultural situation faced by Christians today. For too long Christians in the West have been comforting ourselves with the assurance that the rapid cultural revolution we are experiencing can just as rapidly be turned around. Not so.

The foundations of society are being re-dug and a whole new culture is being built on entirely different principles, and this new culture is widely accepted in the corridors of power as well as in society generally. When cultural foundations are changed at this basic level they don’t just turn around.

Those who hold to Christian convictions on these and other issues are increasingly going to experience social marginalisation. Christians have to be aware of what we face, support and strengthen each other as we patiently defend the truths which have created our culture, and work to spread a message of hope and wholeness.

One thought on “AND ANOTHER FALLS

  1. Yet another clear indication of where western values are headed and what awaits the Christian faith as the foundation of most of those values. Will the Church still not wake up? This comes in a week when the Church of Scotland suspends a minister for speaking out against the very movement which is aggressively attacking Christianity and when, in an interview with LBC radio, Archbishop Welby defends the humanity, rights and dignity of those making use of abortion clinics but says not a word in support of the baby inside the wombs of those women. Biblical Christianity is being squeezed and squeezed to the point where it may become nothing more than a small, underground sect in a few decades. Although it has survived previous attempts to extinguish its light such as during Napoleonic France and Communist USSR there is a sense of finality and doom over current developments. All four main parties in Scotland have signed up to declarations which give the twin peaks of anti-Christianity more privilege and supremacy over our faith. These twin peaks are, of course, Islam and LGBTQ. It is almost impossible to find a politician, MSM journalist, church leader, cultural commentator in Scotland who will critique, let alone criticise, either of these two movements.

    I am reading at the moment JC Ryle’s essay, “Private Judgement”, in which he praises the power of Paul’s advice to all Christians to “Test all things and hold fast to that which is good” (1Thess 5:21). This was advice which not only drove reformed Christianity but many scientists, politicians, and everyday individuals going about their business. It is a useful piece of advice for many. It set us apart from other cultures and countries who accepted without challenge or question what they were told by authorities. In modern times it was a clear distinction between the free west and communist Russia. But now we seem to have lost this trait in our character and as a result we accept the most ludicrous, harmful and illogical concepts we are given by governments, think tanks and activists without question. Children born today will grow up not so much accepting without question what they are told but being completely bewildered as to why anyone would think differently anyway, such is the indoctrination going on in our schools.

    So many of the values that are good for our society came from Christianity. It is now time for the Church to stand up as a bulwark against those who would do us harm and speak out for our faith, our hope and our distinctiveness.


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