Clash of World-Views

‘You Christians, especially evangelicals, are sex-obsessed. Why are you so concerned with what goes on in other people’s bedrooms?’ So goes the familiar response as soon as a Christian speaks up about any one of a multitude of subjects such as same-sex marriage, pornography and drag queen story hour.

We should ask why grown men want to dress as women and interact with young children

Economics and foreign policy are so passé. In politics today the issues which split people centre around sex. Reproduction, abortion, homosexuality, what constitutes a family, pornography, sex education, even what constitutes a sex itself are all hot-button issues. The UK’s decriminalisation of homosexual sex in 1967 was the key which opened the door to the progressive onslaught. Today sex has become the battering ram which progressives use in their campaign to fundamentally change biblically based Western culture.

A biblical world-view is one in which a person’s ideas about every dimension of life are based on biblical principles and commands. For the progressive, sexual freedom has become such a world-view, spawning a complete view of human society. Sex is perceived as the core of human identity, our definition of who we are; total sexual freedom is seen as fundamental to a healthy mental equilibrium. If we don’t have sex without strings and relationships without rings, we are obviously an unhealthy maelstrom of repressed tensions and phobias.

Those Wicked Christians

To articulate a biblical view of sex in opposition to the trend of the world is to invite an avalanche of criticism. The proponents of the sexual revolution not only insist they are allowed to do what they want, when they want and with whom they want, they demand the approval and even the celebration of their choices. Refusal to lionise the latest group to take pride in their deviancy results in social rejection.

Kate Forbes’s campaign for the SNP leadership demonstrates how progressives react to any suggestion that sexual ‘freedom’ might not meet with wholehearted approval. Forbes did not say she was determined to roll back the sexual revolution; she merely said that she would have voted against same-sex marriage and that she thought sex should be confined to the marriage of a man and a woman.

The outpouring of social media vitriol she and her church, the Free Church of Scotland, received was astonishing. Forbes supposedly ‘hates’ homosexuals, is herself repressed, and can’t be trusted not to re-criminalise homosexuality. Her church is composed of obscurantist fundamentalists on a par with the Westboro Baptist church in the USA with their ‘God Hates Fags’ banners. In the eyes of some progressives the Free Church of Scotland are the ‘Scottish Taliban’.

Britain is now one of the most socially liberal countries in the world.

Given that Twitter has become a playground for bigots and bottom feeders where outrage is the staple diet, we shouldn’t be surprised at the indignation. What is more significant is that even those who support Forbes either as possible SNP leader, or on her right to speak her mind, are unable or unwilling to support her views. According to a study by the Policy Institute at King’s College London, ‘Britain is now one of the most socially liberal countries in the world.’ Such is the grip that progressive sexual ideology has on the public sphere that the many who do support Forbes’s views are seen as puritan nonentities best ignored.

Opposing World-Views and Practices

The Christian looks for inner change which is found in a true relationship with God. The progressive looks for inner change which is found in discovering the true nature of one’s sexuality. For progressives sexual liberation has become a moral crusade with Christianity seen as the source of evil and dysfunction, an ideology which prevents people from embracing their true sexual identity which is the very core of their being. This leads to individual neuroses and trauma and societal dysfunction through imbalances between the sexes. For the progressive Christian ideology must be crushed if people are to be happy, whole and free.

Christians use reason, progressives employ emotion.

The sexual ideology of the progressive is much more than a matter of personal sensual gratification: it has become a complete world-view. This is why it is not enough to say that individual aspects are wrong; Christians must also articulate a challenge to the underlying thinking which gives rise to this perverted ideology.

In this struggle Christians have the advantage in the tools we employ. Christians use reason, progressives employ emotion. Christians care about whether or not a social policy works; progressives care about how supporting a policy makes them feel. Christians take the stances they do because they believe they are biblical and therefore best for society; progressives take the stances they do because this makes them feel and look compassionate or morally superior.

It is possible to argue that we Christians will lose because progressives will dismiss our arguments in the same way they blithely dismiss science and reason. However, no matter how often progressives play the emotion card, as with claiming ‘I feel like a woman’ makes a man a woman, they  will eventually run into reality. Thankfully we are gradually beginning to see more people awakening to the realisation that the progressive programme just does not work.

This is the Christians’ opportunity to point out that the creation has a Creator who made it so that we can live fulfilled lives within it in if we live in a certain way; if we don’t live according to His way we eventually collide with hard reality, with all the consequences.

It may be unpopular to express a biblical view of sexual relationships but remember Martin Luther who said, ‘If I profess with loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except that little point which the world and the Devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ.’


  1. Surely all this is about self; self-determination; self-identification; and self-gratification? Not just sex. We do look like bigots when we come against one element of the zeitgeist. But people tend to pity us when we talk about self-denial; this was never likely to be popular amongst the rich and powerful, but it is the royal road. Not everybody will want to follow it.


  2. Well said sir. I wish I had half your ability to put into words how sick our society has become. I, as a follower of Christ, am disgusted with all the twisted, perverted, sick, idiotic reasoning that people promote these days. I’d actually get hung, drawn and quartered if I got started on this subject. I’m told by other Christians that I need to separate the “sin” from the sinner. Ok. I’ll try but I still think that the LGBT crowd have twisted minds and are heading straight to the fires of hell. They dont realize that “WE” the Christians, are the best friends they’ve got. We speak the truth and are concerned about their awfull fate. If we don’t warn them about God’s views on this subject, then they will perish. Stay safe buddy.


  3. Brilliantly expressed.
    Back in 2010 Melanie Phillips made similar comment in ‘The World Turned Upside Down’: ““In Britain, the antidiscrimination orthodoxy has led to a systematic campaign against Christians – particularly over the issue of homosexuality, the key area where Christians run up against social libertarianism in the public square. Freedom of conscience, the cardinal tenet of a liberal society, has been swept aside in the cause of gay rights. While true prejudice against homosexuals or anyone else is reprehensible, ‘prejudice’ has been redefined to include the expression of normative values.”


  4. “You Christians, especially evangelicals, are sex-obsessed.” So say the progressives. But who are the ones sexualizing EVERYTHING? Yeah, keep it private if you must – in the bedroom, NOT in the classroom, the library, the zoo, the board room, the park, the public parade, the halls of justice, the halls of legislature, the sports field, the [choose your venue]. Christians and others with a moral framework on which they structure their lives don’t need to show off their intimate relationships which should be kept private. The progressives who promote this are looking for attention, because the actions and activities they promote cannot fill that gaping hole in their souls. They can’t stand the idea that someone else might be happy and find fulfillment in their intimate, monogamous, heterogeneous relationships. Rather than allow a rising tide to raise all boats, they prefer to smash holes in the hulls of all the boats.

    I’m waiting for a female-identifying man’s head to explode when he/she/it/they is diagnosed with testicular cancer, something a woman can’t get.

    For that matter, since no one can identify what a man or a woman is, how do these people know what they identify as? No wonder they’re confused.


    1. The point you raise about the attempt to fill the ‘gaping hole in their souls’ is a good one. When you reject the God of the Bible something else must take His place, and it is never going to be good.


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