This Is Terrorism At the weekend Hamas fighters murdered and raped their way through southern Israel and kidnapped anyone from infants to the elderly to use as hostages. Hamas are even boasting of breaking the international conventions of war, posting videos of their terrorists beheading captured Israeli soldiers.

Noa Argamani Taken Hostage by Hamas Terrorists

Be in no doubt, despite the BBC’s insistence that these are ‘militants’, they are terrorists. Doctors who go on strike are militant, climate protesters who block roads are militant, gangs of armed men who rampage through villages entering peaceful homes to murder whoever they encounter are terrorists.

Social media is a swamp to be entered with care in case you are overwhelmed by the content. But who can deny that if we were left with only the BBC and Sky News we would know much less of the ghastly slaughter perpetrated by the Gaza jihadis? There is a refusal among many on the left to recognise barbarity when it is perpetrated by those they support.

With the response in the West to these vile acts we get a glimpse of depth of depravity of many who see themselves as supporting the struggle of those they see as oppressed and victims. They approve the rape of women and the murder of children. They applaud the parading of the naked body of a young woman around the streets to be spat upon. This is the true nature of those on the left who think that there is no act so savage that they will not condone it if it brings about ‘freedom’.

Student Approval Left-wing student groups at British universities have been accused of ‘glorifying’ the Hamas attack on Israel. Instagram accounts of student organisations at the University of Warwick, University College London and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) have described the scenes as a ‘heroic fight’ by ‘the martyrs’ against ‘fascist and criminal settlers’. There are students at UK universities who consider themselves progressive, who support the rights of women, yet openly applaud as ‘necessary’ the rape and murder of Jewish women.

At SOAS, the student Palestine Society wrote on Instagram: ‘The Palestinian people have the right to resist occupation by any means necessary.’ The Justice for Palestine society at University College London endorsed a quote from the Hamas political chief, Ismail Haniyeh. They posted on Instagram his statement: ‘Our brave and hard-working Palestinian people, those freeing the world, the Palestinian resistance, in these historical moments are engaged in a heroic fight for Al-Aqsa Mosque, our sacred sites, and our prisoners. Over the last few days, thousands of fascist and criminal settlers desecrated the shrine of the Prophet [Muhammad] and performed their prayers there to impose sovereignty over the area. If the world will be silent, we will not be silent about this aggression.’

In the US, at least 35 student organisations at Harvard have declared that the murders, rapes, kidnappings and other atrocities committed by Hamas against innocent people are in no way the fault of Hamas, but entirely the fault of Israel. Something is deeply, deeply wrong in academia.

Israel To Blame In Scotland, Green MSP Maggie Chapman is typical of those on the left who know who is to blame for the atrocities: Israel. Perhaps those like her claiming that ‘Israel brought this on themselves’ could explain to the rest of us how massacring 260 young festival-goers and abducting families, children and elderly will in any way help alleviate the very real plight of the Palestinians?

In major cities throughout Europe and North America there have been noisy demonstrations in support of Hamas, glorying in the atrocities. Cars racing through streets, horns blaring and Palestinian flags flying, fireworks being let off. There have been pro-Palestinian demonstrations in London while Manchester, Bristol and Reading have seen buildings vandalised.

In the UK Hamas has been proscribed as a terrorist organisation since 2021, which means anyone wearing clothing or carrying articles in public such as flags which ‘arouse reasonable suspicion’ that they support the group can be prosecuted. Anyone found guilty faces up to ten years in jail. The Home Secretary has said that she expects the police to ‘use the full force of the law’ against anyone displaying support for Hamas. 

Pro-Palestine Demonstration Outside Israeli Embassy London

As pro-Palestinian demonstrators who support the religion and ideology which led to the atrocities parade their enthusiasm for the appalling crimes of Hamas we have to ask how long will British Jews be safe in the land of their birth? Anti-Semitic incidents have already taken place in the aftermath. A kosher restaurant in Golders Green, London, was vandalised and a nearby bridge graffitied with ‘Palestine Will Be Free’.

All the attack on Israel will achieve for the Palestinians is death, destruction and even more misery as Israel retaliates and hunts down Hamas terrorists sheltering amongst the people. This will suit Shia Iran, the paymasters of Hamas, as it will make impossible the increasing détente between Israel and Sunni Saudi Arabia, their major opponents in the struggle for supremacy in the region. Meanwhile ordinary citizens of Israel and Gaza who just want to get on with their lives will continue to suffer.


    1. I certainly didn’t want to as this is such a barbaric act that it is difficult to comprehend how to respond to it. One would think that the barbarity would b clear to all, but there are actually people living amongst us who applaud such actions.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I never cease to be astonished by the Palestinians who go crying to the UN about Israel’s fighting back after the Palestinians have attacked them. The Palestinians throw the first bomb, then complain that Israel is hurting them by lobbing a bomb back at them. If you don’t want someone to punch you in the nose, then don’t punch them in the nose first. They’re always looking for a fight, whether or not justified in their cause, just because they refuse to accept that the Israelis have just as much right to walk this Earth as they do. You can’t reason with such people; they will always look to destroy first.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Very good.

    There is an important disrinction to be made (and which you glossed over) between an individual (like yourself), a group, or a government, disagreeing publicly with others who express support for Hamas (or any other political party that is also a terrorist organisation), and the state in a supposedly free country outlawing and punishing public expressions of “support” for Hamas, which amounts to thought policing.

    On another matter, do you happen to know the grain of truth (if any) behind the following fake-news humourous piece from the satirical Babylon Bee today?

    White House Issues Condemnation Of Attack Biden Funded


    1. Trump and others have accused Biden of funding Hamas by unfreezing $6bof Iranian assets, arguing that it has contributed to the current escalation between Israel and Hamas.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. British politicians are forthright in their condemnation of the massacre of civilians at the hands of Hamas. They are rightly calling the slaughter of entire Israeli families in a village near the Gaza border an act of terrorism after finding women, children and babies beheaded. Holocaust survivors have also been killed by Palestinian terrorists.

    The British Broadcasting Corporation now appears to have stopped describing Hamas as a militant organisation.

    People overlook the warnings in the Bible about the Antichrist and how satanic forces are manipulating world leaders (as well as the media) as we get ever-closer to the great tribulation. Yet those who oppose God refuse to repent. Instead, they continue to curse God, and wonder why things are going from bad to worse.


    1. The atrocities committed by Hamas are so appalling that they were forced to call them out in view of the general public revulsion at what has happened. It is something I rarely say but I do believe there is something demonic about the events of the last few days.


      1. Yes, and last night, in a Zoom live video link to an Israeli chap stuck in Tel Aviv, he said that this is a spiritual war. The most critically important aspect of this event he was pointing out is the orchestration at back of it. And he didn’t mean Iran or Saudi Arabia, for they are being manipulated by invisible forces. Who in the world can see this? Only those who know the biblical perspective (e.g. Revelation 6:4-8), who know that once the demon of war is unleashed, it has to run its bloody course, yet God is sovereignly over-ruling, using all kinds of events to reach his ultimate end, a new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness will dwell.


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