Life in a moral wasteland

The increasing marginalisation of Christianity may be welcomed by opinion-formers but it presents a fundamental challenge for society. With the decline of Christian teachings and godly values there has followed an abandonment of those moral principles which provide the glue holding society together.

Ours is a world where an MP, someone who helps make laws shaping our society, is suspended by his party for allegedly sexually harassing young women and boasting about taking prostitutes into Parliament. A world where the fourth largest group in parliament are MPs suspended by their parties and sitting as independents. A world where a new female MP was given a list of 30 other MPs to avoid being alone with because of their reputation for sexual harassment.

It’s not only politicians; Britain itself has become a selfish, sexualised society. Cases of gonorrhoea have soared by 50 per cent in the past year to the highest on record, while those of syphilis are the highest since 1948. Adultery, homosexuality, sex outwith marriage, gender confusion and pornography are not only accepted but defended. Sexual perversions are considered by many as normal and to be celebrated. Children are indoctrinated into the acceptance of deviancy. As Malcolm X said, ‘Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children.’

The Source of the Problem

As we look at decadent Western society we are forced to remember Ephesians 6:12, ‘For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’

A clear illustration of this is Erik Carnell, the London-based female-to-male trans designer whose work was removed from the US retail giant Target following protests about her pro-Satan jewellery and commentary. Carnell explained her position in an Instagram post that Satan represents ‘passion, pride and liberty’ and ‘loves all LGBT+ people’. 

Erik Carnell in one of her creations

She went on: ‘Satanists don’t actually believe in Satan, he is merely used as a symbol of passion, pride, and liberty. He means to you what you need him to mean. So for me, Satan is hope, compassion, equality, and love. So, naturally, Satan respects pronouns. He loves all LGBT+ people. I went with a variation of Baphomet for this design, a deity who themself is a mixture of genders, beings, ideas, and existences. They reject binary stereotypes and expectations.’

Satan, originally Lucifer the light-bearer, was cast out of heaven due to his pride: he imagined he knew better than God and would do and bear anything rather than serve him. The forces shaping our culture today are totally in tune with this attitude, which is why it is immaterial if those who sympathise with Satan’s attitudes don’t really believe he exists. They accept and promote Satan’s principles and seek to banish Christian principles and values from public life.

You do not have to believe in the devil, although I do, to recognise that our dominant culture has turned diabolical. We find evil distorting, and mocking what’s pure and good. Today we are living through a satanic period in time.

Two Uncomfortable Questions

Firstly, what is coming next? History teaches that when decadent societies collapse they are often followed by barbarism. The decadence of Tsarist Russia was followed by blood-soaked totalitarian communism. The decadence of Weimar Germany was followed by blood-soaked totalitarian Nazi Germany. The painful thing is that we will have deserved it, by what we have done and by what we have allowed to be done. Proverbs 16:18 warns us, ‘Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.’

Which raises the second uncomfortable question: where are the faithful ministers and priests willing to stand against the degenerate trend in society? Too many pulpits are silent when it comes to the culture surrounding us, too many Christians are left looking in vain for leadership and guidance. This does not mean that we Christians in the pews should sit quietly and endure; that is not the only option.

A Lone Stand

Regular readers of this blog know of my admiration for those Christians under Nazi rule who stood up for the faith despite the pressure to conform. Few of us know of Franz Jägerstätter, a farmer from Austria. As a youngster he was quite wild and spent several days in jail for fighting, and fathered an illegitimate child. He also enjoyed winding up the village priest. This changed as he matured and had what amounted to a conversion experience. Aged 29, he married a devout Catholic girl, Franziska Schwaninger, the couple going to Rome for their honeymoon.

 Franz and Franziska Jägerstätter

Two years later, in March 1938, German troops entered Austria.  Jägerstätter was offered the position of village mayor but rejected it rather than serve under the Nazis. He was the only person in the village to vote against the incorporation of Austria into the Reich; nevertheless, the local authorities announced unanimous approval. Jägerstätter was dismayed by the Christians of his village supporting the Nazis, writing: ‘I believe there could scarcely be a sadder hour for the true Christian faith in our country.’

Deeply troubled by Nazi rule, including their ‘euthanasia’ policy and the suppression of the church, he went to Linz to discuss matters with his bishop. He emerged from the conversation saddened by the reluctance of the episcopate to confront the issues.

 Franz Jägerstätter

In 1943, when called to active duty, Jägerstätter reported to his army base and refused to serve and take an oath of loyalty to Hitler. By this time, he and his wife had three daughters. A military court rejected his assertion that he could not be both a Nazi and a Catholic, and sentenced him to death for undermining morale. A priest from his village visited him in jail and tried to talk him into serving, but to no avail. Franz Jägerstätter was guillotined on 9 August 1943. His last recorded words were, ‘I am completely bound in inner union with the Lord.’

Franz’s entire farming village were churchgoing Christians. Yet only he and his family resisted the Nazis. Everybody thought themselves faithful Christians, but when they were put to the test, only the Jägerstätters passed.

Franz Jägerstätter faced death as he stood up alone to the forces of darkness around him. All we have to face is scorn. We must make our stand together, in prayer, in words, and in action.


  1. “All we have to face is scorn.”

    So far. Although, in truth, it is already more. People are being prosecuted for public preaching and prayer – in the latter case, sometimes under the pretext of not “harassing” women seeking “healthcare”.


    1. We can see a clear trend in opposition to Christianity, and things are going to get worse, much worse, before it gets better. Perhaps the saddest part of it all is that the mainstream Christian denominations seem determined to ignore at best or actively support the destructive ideologies at present infecting society at worst.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. The social engineering now going on, to get transgender pronouns accepted and used, certainly has a dark force behind it, as testified to by Rosaria Butterfield, who was a staunch promoter in universities of LGBTQ+ in America in 1998. But after conversion to Christ she was viewed as a despised defector from the movement. She has come to realise that her use pf transgendered pronouns was not a mistake – it was a sin.

    She has written that “A civil war has erupted within broad evangelicalism, and the idol of LGBT+ is dividing the house.” In a recent article she deals with the issue of this coming from Satan. As the Christian faith is inherently binary, not non-binary, clarity is needed by Christians so that they can take a Christian stance (and she knows this personally!). The issues involve the gospel, which no Christian should allow to be compromised, thus turning it into a counterfeit gospel.

    To grasp why that is so, read her articles as found on http://www.reformation21.org or in the June 2003 edition of ‘Evangelical Times’ newspaper in Britain., p.11. Or read the book ‘Transgender to Transformed’, Oklahoma: Genesis Publishing Group, 2009, by Laura Perry Smalts. It’s time to waken up to the unseen powers at work in society.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rosaria Butterfield is an example to us all in how to oppose the destructive ideologies virulently infecting society today. She is also an encouragement with the reassurance that it is possible for someone to emerge from deep within this perverted movement and live a new life in Christ. We are told that ‘Once gay always gay, we were made this way’, well, we all know who is the Father of Lies.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I cannot recommend the book “Return of the gods” by Jonathan Cahn highly enough for recognising and understanding the diabolocial spiritual forces behind the resurgence of these pagan practices.


  3. Time to be building our “arks” for the coming flood – parallel economies (using cash or barter), parallel education, parallel health & social care, etc. This is what the church was meant to be all along of course. The muslims still do. And the exclusive brethren congregations.


    1. We should have been strengthening parallel communities all along and not just in preparation for possible persecution. As the family of Christ our priority, in human terms, is other Christians, Galatians 6:10.


  4. From Rabshekah shouting at the ramparts of Jerusalem to Hitler dictating Mein Kampf from his prison cell the enemies of the Lord have always made clear what their attitude to His people is and what they intend to do with them.
    Today is no different and the church needs to heed the warning given to us by wokery and the LGBTQ+2S in particular.


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